Do you know that gratitude increases us in our blessings?
In Surah Ibrahim, verse 7, in Quran our Creator tells us that, “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favor).” (1) We are taught to practice gratitude as it has many benefits in both worlds. Being thankful to our blessings brings us closer to our Creator. It makes facing challenges of life easier. It not only improves our relationship with our Creator, but also improves our relationship with ourselves and others. It also increases our rizq (sustenance).
Latest scientific research only affirms the benefits of gratitude. Whatever we are focusing on now is where our energy goes. Many studies show that grateful people are often happier, more satisfied with their lives, less likely to suffer with burnout, sleep better, experience less fatigue, and have lower levels of cellular inflammation. Research also shows that a grateful heart is healthier. At workplace gratitude leads to better work performance and more job satisfaction. In one study the brain activity of gratitude letter writers was compared to those who did not write such letters. The fMRI of the brains who wrote gratitude letters showed lasting greater activation of prefrontal cortex indicating the mental health benefits of experiencing and expressing gratitude. (2)
So, if you have not been feeling grateful lately, it is never too late to rekindle your gratitude for bountiful favors in your sustenance including health, wealth, life, relations, friendships, wisdom, beneficial knowledge, joy, and success.
Quran, Juz 13, Surah Ibrahim (14), Verse 7
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Happy Thanksgiving Day!